The Legend That is Steve Gilroy

Craft Beer and micro brewing in South Africa is not a new art form. Many people have been at it for years, perfecting their recipes and finding one that can stand the test of time as well as the test of other breweries. There are many big names that stand out in the global and local craft beer scene but none like Steve Gilroy’s, Or Gilly’s, as some people call him. He has been brewing for over 40 years and his challenge still stands to any other brewer to make a beer that can better his, (Hence the Gauntlet in his crest ) Now whether you’re a home brewer, own your own brewery or, just an avid fan of the great and pure beers that we call Craft beer, you are sure to have heard of Gilroy’s Beer. If not Then Listen up! Gilroy’s beer is ranked 3 rd in the world and the best in South Africa. Not so bad for a beer that comes from the ass end of the ass end of the ass end of the world (as Steve puts it). These beers are a definite MUSTY TRY and once tried you’ll soon be buying a lot more. ...